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Anila Angjeli

Modern Homes - Relating to the Present

We refer to Modern Homes as new structures or freshly renovated homes, representing a clean design, minimalistic, day-lighted, energy efficient and technologically advanced. Modern Homes relate to the present. They should be designed to withstand the time, which implies quality and style. Modern homes should be designed to be sustainable. The details should be elegant, precise and easy to maintain. Many designs use subtle and sophisticated expressions that make for a timeless style.

Historically, the modern house is a post-beam construction with a flat roof or a broad low-slope gable roof. Expressed structure and integrated landscape were the signature architectural elements of these homes.

Over time, Modern Homes are refined as they carefully embrace new materials and building technologies that employ open floor plans, larger spans, and advanced structural systems. Reducing limitations on the floor plan arrangement creates versatility. A sustainable modern home shall have a state of the art envelope, walls, floors, roof, and fenestrations, that performs well under the different climate conditions. It should also have a carefully sized energy efficient HVAC system and lighting. Solar systems and water sense plumbing fixtures help conserve energy and water.

What are some of the modern ideas you would like to integrate on your home, on your next renovation or new custom home project?

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