Café Chocolat
1423 H St. NW Washington, DC
Café Chocolat is a boutique coffee and chocolate shop that required retrofitting an existing non-conforming space. ALine Architecture worked with the client through every stage of the architectural design process, from designing permit drawings and selecting interior materials to lead bid negotiations, permit facilitation, and construction administration services.
Having extensive experience in commercial renovations and interior design buildouts, ALine Architecture knew from the beginning that the decisions needed to focus on functionality and optimization of space while making a visual retail impact. ALine Architecture accomplished this through strategic interior design decisions, such as selection and location of the bar equipment; streamlining the barista’s workflow; choosing maintenance-free wood-looking porcelain floor tiles; incorporating white engineered marble counters to brighten the space, and adding statement-making red glass backsplash tiles to leave a bold and lasting impression.
Area: 1,000 SF
Type: Commercial, Retail
Architecture & Interiors: ALine Architecture LLC
Completed 2017